Cellblocks to Mountaintops: Podcast Featuring Client Premieres

"Cellblock to Mountaintops," a podcast series with 14-mini documentary companion videos, premiered February 29th, 2024. The series shares the story of our former client, Sterling Cunio, and his remarkable journey from a 16-year-old convicted of two counts of aggravated murder in 1994 to a rehabilitated man whose intelligence, compassion, and art help so many.

For nearly 10 years Ryan O'Connor represented Sterling as he sought a chance to prove in the justice system what was apparent to nearly everyone who interacted with him: he was no longer the troubled kid responsible for killing two people; he was a changed man deserving of a chance to live outside of prison. With the help of Prof. Aliza Kaplan and the Criminal Justice Reform Clinic at Lewis and Clark Law School, Sterling was granted clemency and released in November 2021.

"Cellblocks to Mountaintops" is about the grace of human transformation, the search for redemption, and the current state of the U.S. criminal justice system. It tells the true story of how years after committing a horrible crime, Sterling Cunio continues to confront the ripple effects of his actions. Through artistic expression, human connection, and the principles of restorative justice, he forges a personal transformation while incarcerated. It also explores how and why violence is perpetuated, and how the system can fail victims, offenders, and the community at large.

Apple podcasts is the only platform that will play both the audio and video episodes, but all the video and audio will be available on the "Cellblocks to Mountaintops" website - Cellblockstomountaintops.com

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